
Showing posts from October, 2009

History of Batik Indonesia

Batik is historically derived from ancestral times, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the form of animals and plants. But in the history of batik development evolved, namely from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract pattern that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so on. Next through the merger of the painting style of clothing decorated with art, batik art emerged as we know it today. The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the pattern and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. The cultural treasures of this rich Indonesia has led to the birth of batik style and types of specialties tradisioanal with their own characteristics. The development of Batik in Indonesia History of batik in Indonesia related to the development of the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom and beyond...

the meaning of BATIK

Batik (or word Batik) comes from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to fabric with patterns generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied to the fabric, so stop the entry of dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing". Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) for a long time. Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so in the past, batik work is exclusively women's work until the invention of "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely that the coastal batik masculine lines as you can see in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men. Variety Batik style and color are influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik has a variety of shades and colors are limited, a...